PHP Russia

Panel: PHP performance. Initiated by Badoo

Why Russia Tried to Block This Canal

Video shows Putin purportedly voting online in Russian election

Surprise surprise

Robots testing the Bulletproof #cybertruck

Самое интересное в PHP 8 / Дмитрий Стогов (Zend Technologies)

Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols: Crash Course World History #20

Russia is Running Out of People

Brother Louie Dance

Russia has run out of bulletproof vests? They are for airsoft! #shorts

Wagner boss Prigozhin releases his first statement since ending his march on Moscow

Валентин Удальцов. Утечки памяти в PHP: контроль, предотвращение, инструментарий

Cristiano Ronaldo HATES Coca-Cola

ManyChat: product, technology and management (in Russian)

Sanctions worked? Russian shopping malls after one year of sanctions (2023)

Александр Лисаченко. Выходя за рамки ООП. Разработка расширений для PHP ... на PHP!

Php и Laravel дайджест октябрь 2021. Обзор новостей по php и ларавел

Контрибьютор PHP Никита Попов приглашает на онлайн-митап к выходу 8-ки

Rosja vs Ukraina 2024 | Porównanie siły militarnej #militarypower

Typed Properties and more: What’s coming in PHP 7.4? / Nikita Popov (JetBrains)


Putin: US, Russia relations worse under Trump

PHP как инструмент разработки PhpStorm / Кирилл Смелов (JetBrains)

Dragon’s Breath with @ChefRush